Welcome to Downstate Story
NEW: The 2021 edition is a web-only publication, available at www.downstatestory.com. The Facebook page is here. It will be our last issue -- 30 years is enough. And here's a link to a story in the Peoria Journal Star about the 2016 edition. Here's a link to a comment by author Kent McDaniel which includes reviews of some of the Vol. 21 stories. VOL. 20, the 2011 edition, and other back issues are still available. Order now, at the link below where you print out and mail an order, or at the downstatestory.com site, where you can use our service, Democracy Engine. Watch the 2012 video interview on Downstate Story, by The Peorian magazine. It's in there somewhere. Listen to the March 13, 2011 podcast interview of publisher Elaine Hopkins done for the Illinois Central College radio station, WAZU-FM Here's a well done Pekin Times story about Vol. 19. The reviews are always good. Read a news story about Vol. 18 in the Peoria Journal Star. Site Contents:
Original site design by Eldon Brown.
1998 Update by Ted Eselgroth, [email protected]