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June 01, 2010


Thanks, Elaine, for a very accurate assessment of last night's meeting. I agree that all the presentations were of the "feel good" type--which is all we ever hear when public comments aren't allowed. I don't fault Randy Simmons, at all, for his presentation because he can't report on anything that hasn't been done. This is about the third time I've heard that same report. The report I'm awaiting is the one that tells us exactly how many students will be in each of the classrooms--just how overcrowded these rooms will be, especially since all those who won't be able to go to summer school will, also, have to be stuffed into the classrooms. Also, I want to know if PHS can actually add 900 students with only 20 new teaching positions. Also, I agree that Dr. Lathan's comments about overcrowded classrooms and the need for more offerings such as vocational courses encouraged me.

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