PEORIA -- Maybe, just maybe, part of the Kellar Branch recreational trail will be in general use a year from now, in the fall of 2011. Funding for the construction involves several local, state and federal agencies.
The Recreational Trail Associates group on Oct. 4 heard a report by Peoria Park District planner Mike Friberg on plans for the trail. It will be done in sections, he said. Bids will be opened on the first section, from Glen to Knoxville, soon, and if all goes well, approved by the Park District Board at an October meeting.
That section, with funds from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, likely will be completed first.
A section from Candletree to Northmoor, funded by the Illinois Department of Transportation, may be next.
The board is seeking grant funding for the section from Glen to Springdale Cemetery.
The trail construction involves not only the former rail bed, where the rails and ties are now being removed, but street crossings, all of which require funds.
Still, the hikers are eager. On Sunday, Nov. 21, at 2 p.m., the Pimiteoui Hiking club will hold a hike on the Kellar trail, starting at Prospect Road, to Junction City. RTA leader George Burrier will lead the hike. Everyone is invited.-- Elaine Hopkins