PEORIA --There's lots of speculation on the future of Cong, Aaron Schock, the Peoria Republican who is running for reelection in the 18th Congressional District.
Update 8/27/12: Here's another tidbit of speculation.
In Congress, Schock votes anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-union, anti-everything that will help ordinary people. Yet the GOP loves him, and the public is apparently fooled by his boyish charm, shirtless magazine covers notwithstanding.
Can he be stopped in his rise to power? His Democratic party opponent in the 18th District race, Steve Waterworth, has issued a news release on Schock's anti-woman votes:
Steve Waterworth, Democratic nominee for Congress in Illinois’ 18th Congressional District pledges to stand up for the rights of all women to make their own decisions about reproductive health care.
His opponent, Republican incumbent and Congressman from the 18th District Aaron Schock, has voted in Congress to refuse women the right to make their own health decisions.
Aaron Schock and disgraced Missouri Republican Congressman Todd Akin co-sponsored HR212(So called: Sanctity of Human Life Act) Bill, a federal “personhood” measure that would ban abortions, all in-vitro fertilization procedures, criminalize common and safe hormonal contraception as well as the “Morning After” birth control pill.
With his support of this bill, Aaron Schock puts, “Big Brother” into the personal health care decisions that most women must make at some time in their lives. Aaron Schock wants less government regulation for corporations, banks and insurance companies, but more government control over women’s healthcare.
Steve Waterworth calls on Schock to repudiate Akin and his dangerous beliefs concerning women’s reproductive rights and health, and apologize to the women of the 18th District for co-sponsoring this dangerous legislation with Akin.
Aaron Schock and Todd Akin’s radical right-wing social engineering policies: out of touch and dangerous for women’s health in the 18th Congressional District and America.-30-
How serious is this race? Waterworth, a very sharp guy and local elected official in Mason County, lacks sufficient funds to buy the TV time needed to alert the public to Schock's true record. But the stakes are high. Here's an excerpt from the above-linked piece in the Chicago Sun Times:
U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.), who also figures to be in high-visibility mode with the Illinois delegation, has strong Romney ties, too, having campaigned with him and the presidential hopeful’s wife, Ann, for seven days in Iowa and Illinois. Schock also is a steady, early-morning workout partner with Romney’s running mate, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).
Schock is a top-tier possibility for governor in 2014, but others in the party also see him as a strong GOP possibility against U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) or an heir apparent to U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) if Kirk opts against a second term or doesn’t complete his first term because of lingering aftereffects from his stroke.
Unlike four years ago when Republicans met in Minneapolis, Schock doesn’t have a convention floor speech. But he’s going to take on “surrogate duties” as a party mouthpiece during panels with former presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and George P. Bush, son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush — and appear frequently alongside Ryan, Schock spokesman Steve Dutton said.
“Aaron will be at many events with Paul Ryan and have the chance to introduce him to many Illinoisans attending the convention,” Dutton said.
The message should be clear. Stop Schock now or he could be the next US Senator or governor of Illinois, with all that implies for our personal freedoms and ecconomic prosperity.
-- Elaine Hopkins
8/26/12. Ed Dentino comments via email:
I can recall speaking with Arron Schrock only one time. The
occasion was many years ago so I can't recall the specifics. I
was with a lobby group to speak about women's health issues
pending legislation. My impression of him was that he seemed
superficial - just acting concerned and accommodating. That is
probably the nature of many political people but it does not
wash well compared to people who listen, reflect and discuss
intellectually and logically.
Schrock, Ryan, Romney and those on the top tier of people
representing the Republican Party are using illogical
philosophies to manipulate voters and consumers. Their
illogical and unethical bias toward pregnancy prevention and
pregnancy termination reflects those of the religious
fanatics. None of them have convinced me that they are doing
anything for Americans that is positive.
Interesting to hear so many media people talking about a 'poor
economy'. The Dow dropped more than 40% the last year of Bush
in office. It has recovered at a pretty steady rate and is
about where it was in 2007. The Dow curve was on a steep climb
during the Clinton/Gore years and a pretty flat line during the
Bush/Cheney years with two big dips - the first in 2001 after
911, the second during the 2008 year of the banking/investment
collapse. Not sure I want to see any more of that kind of
'fiscal responsibility' from the GOP.
Ed Dentino
Following is a great column comment responding to the ideals
of Rand Paul.
"Let us all be clear St. Paul is the choice of the Party. He
believes in all sorts of extreme ideas. Let's use this
A girl of 15 gets raped by a relative of hers. Under the GOP
platform she could not receive a funded abortion in fact it
would be illegal. Let's say she gets extremely ill during the
pregnancy and the choice has to be made to save her or the
unborn. According to Ryan and the GOP the mother can not abort
the child.
Suppose she and the child survives the horror of the illness.
She is poor, none of her health benefits would be covered
because Ryan and the GOP slashed Medicaid. Now, to top it off,
no assistance for the young lady because Ryan and the GOP
blocked the Welfare programs and she is out on the streets
kicked out by her relatives who are ashamed of her.
No social services because Ryan and the GOP slashed them, She
can not get aid to go to a trade school because Ryan and the
GOP cut them out.
Thus she becomes the poster child of the GOP of the lazy poor
girl who is a drain on society who got pregnant. This is what
poor working class America will face under the GOP. "
A relevant column on the topic: