PEORIA -- The Peoria District 150 School Board meets next Monday, July 15, and here's what they will hear from the neighborhood associations:
Combined Neighborhoods Statement on the Peoria Stadium Issue Dear School District, City Council, and Park District:
As concerned tax paying citizens of active neighborhood associations and other neighborhood communities within the great All-America City of Peoria, we the people feel that our elected officials need to understand that we expect to be heard and to be included in the solution to the Peoria Stadium issue.
We the people, strongly, urgently and respectfully request that the publicly owned, 82 acre Peoria Stadium property remains wholly intact as green space to be used for sports and recreational use for now and in the future.
We the people, cannot allow any commercial development of the property.
We the People, as custodians of this rare patch of green space within our city, owe this to the community now and for the future.
We believe that in this moment of time, with the nearly unanimous support of the citizens and neighborhoods of Peoria and beyond, we have a unique and special once in a lifetime opportunity to create a wonderful and rewarding legacy for the city.
We request participation with and expect transparency from the relevant government bodies, in exploring how we can together figure out the best green space, sports and recreational use of the property.
Neighborhood Associations: Oak Park, The Knolls …
These groups are asking citizens to attend the meeting. The time and place will be posted here later, but it's likely 6:30 p.m. at the administration building on Wisconsin. Arrive early to get inside the door and to fill out a card to speak during the public comments.
And here's a link to a fascinating story on the economic impact of big box stores. They apparently have negative economic impact on cities by putting other stores out of business or causing them to downsize.
-- Elaine Hopkins