PEORIA -- Here's a note from Dave Pittman on two July 20-21 rallies in Peoria:
10am starting from Bethel United Methodist
church at 210 Richard Pryor Place in Peoria
people will rally then march to the Federal
Court House Building at 100 NE Monroe. There
will be speakers and parade marshals.
Sunday 5 pm at Glen Oak Park there will be a
rally called Occupy the Hood, exact location
within the park not yet determined. Probably
near the Park District Administration building.
The recent US Supreme Court ruling against
enforcement of the Voting Rights Act combined
with the killing of Trayvon Martin and the
courtroom verdict of innocence for his
killer are nails in the coffin of racial justice
in America. We can prove with demonstrations
like these that hope is not gone, and that
people of good will can reverse the trend
towards increased racial discrimination.
Hope to see you at one of these events. Dave