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July 23, 2014


I am going to assume you guys consume no electricity or just prefer nuclear plants.

The Edwards Coal Fired Power Plant does not supply our community. The power from this site is outsourced through the grid system. The only thing that the company provides for us is lethal pollution. My Mother-in-law died this morning from cancer that is proven to be caused by the Edwards Coal Plant pollution. The death rate is very high in this area, from cancers caused by these toxins!

OMG! Sorry about you MIL but proven? Please enlighten us how.

* crickets *

I am not a Scientist. I am a human being that simply cares about the well being of OUR Residents and am asking that WE come together and protect OUR environment and OURSELVES!

"Elemental (metallic) mercury causes health effects when it is breathed as a vapor where it can be absorbed. These exposures can occur when elemental mercury is spilled or products that contain elemental mercury break and expose mercury to the air...Symptoms include these: tremors; emotional changes...insomnia; neuromuscular changes...; headaches; disturbances in sensations; changes in nerve responses; performance deficits on tests of cognitive function. At higher exposures there may be kidney effects, respiratory failure and death..." Additional Health effects of elemental mercury is available from the
"IRIS database at http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0370.htm."

(EPA is just beginning to study & set realistic standards on airborne, water, & ground contaminates).

"...These compounds are found in industry,... and in arsenic-contaminated water.. arsenic that tends to be more toxic and has been linked to cancer.
"May 2014 http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/intheworkplace/arsenic"

"Much of our exposure comes from...the use of fossil fuels including... industrial facilities...While it has some beneficial uses, it can be toxic to humans and animals.

All of these Metals, we, in Illinois are over-exposed to on a daily basis;
"Source: NPRI"

I invite you to come spend a day with me, as I care for my Father-In-Law, who, now has Dementia & Mini Strokes; & my Daughter, who has Chronic Asthma.

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