PEORIA, IL -- The former Kellar Branch trail, now a hike and bike trail, will be dedicated on Thursday, July 23 at 10:30 a.m.
It's now named the Rock Island Greenway, with the ceremony on the
Knoxville Bridge, located next to Junction City Shopping Center, Peoria, Illinois.
This is a terrific trail with one exception. Ameren has sprayed herbicide on much of it, destroying the 'green' in Greenway.
Here's a fine letter to the editor in today's Peoria Journal Star.
Meanwhile, it's great to see this hard fought fight to get this trail finally at an end, if only Ameren would realize that herbicide kills, destroys habitat for wildlife, and ultimately drains into the Illinois River, not far from where drinking water is sucked into the Peoria system.
No victory ever stays won?
Meanwhile, attend the dedication.
-- Elaine Hopkins