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July 04, 2014


Are you no publishing my comments?

The place had been an eyesore for years.

So you live in Macomb now, eh?

No, don't live in Macomb.
My husband taught at WIU
for nearly 40 years, and we visit Macomb weekly to see friends, etc.

To vonster, regarding comment of July 8, 2014, on "Why are you no publishing my comments?" If every "eyesore" in this city were torn down, what might it cost financially, and what might it cost the occupants? What planet are you from, anyway? Elaine said there were 100 other houses on the demolition list, and some of them may have needed to be demolished. Besides, how would you define an "eyesore," and how would you decide what gets torn down? Is your own house an "eyesore?" Your attitude certainly is! I know, how about if you move to Macomb!

OOoooh, my eyes are so sore, demolish it, get rid of it, tear it down! I just hate looking at that Wal-Mart on University, and there are pigeons at the courthouse, so tear it down! That old red City Hall next to the new Civic Center is an eyesore--tear it down, with everybody still in it!

Wait a minute--I know that word "eyesore," and it's straight out of a certain Inspector's mouth. "Vonster" is the Inspector Himself!!! GUILTY!
Nobody else I know ever uses the word. He's tooting his own horn, here. Can we hear from some real people instead, please?

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