PEORIA, IL -- From a news release:
Peoria City Council At-Large Candidates Forum Sponsored by Peoria NAACP and Heart of Illinois Group Sierra Club
Date: Wednesday, January 16th, 6 p.m. (to end at 8 p.m.)
Location: The Carver Community Center 710 West Percy Baker Jr. Ave., Peoria
Peoria NAACP and Heart of Illinois Group Sierra Club are sponsoring a Forum for Peoria City Council At-Large Candidates, Wednesday,
January 16th, at 6 PM at the Carver Community Center, 710 West Percy Baker Jr. Ave., Peoria.
This forum focuses on environment, health and justice issues for the city. NAACP President Rev. Marvin Hightower will be moderating.
Questions will be taken from the audience. The public is invited to attend.
Environment matters: global climate change is causing more frequent extreme weather events from severe rains or snows to drought
and wildfires. Peoria faces major concerns regarding our combined sewer overflow. Some question how long it has taken for action on
our raw sewage going into the Illinois River, making us all part of the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
Peoria citizens with the least resources who live in our oldest neighborhoods face risks from lead water pipes and lead paint. Air quality for Peoria has higher caustic sulfur dioxide levels and more health harming particulate levels than it should. The Forum will include ‘lightening round’ questions and longer answers for a variety of response opportunities from the candidates. The forum is free and refreshments will be available.