PEORIA, IL -- From a news release -- this is a great film that deserves the Oscar. (It's showing on Feb. 25.)
The Post sponsoring The Post in free screening
ELMWOOD – When The Weekly Post sponsors the first 100 patrons’ free admission to Sunday’s 2:30 p.m. matinee showing of The Post at the Palace Theater on Main Street here, the Oscar-nominated drama starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep will help celebrate the community newspaper’s fifth anniversary.
The Weekly Post’s first issue came out on Feb. 21, 2013, and initially served every Post Office recipient in Brimfield, Edwards, Elmwood, Kickapoo, Williamsfield and Yates City. Since expanding to Princeville and Farmington, it’s almost doubled its circulation to about 9,000 copies each Thursday.
“While national issues like those covered in The Post are more glamorous to report on, the bottom line in the newspaper business remains providing people information they want to read,” said Weekly Post editor Jeff Lampe. “And it has been our experience in the past five years of our new venture that people still enjoying reading local news. Thank goodness, or we would be out of business.”
The Post features Hanks as 1971 Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee, and Streep as publisher Kay Graham. They grapple with getting some 7,000 pages of government secrets about the Vietnam War – showing that five administrations (of both political parties) had lied.
Although timely at a moment when “fake news” accusations seem to threaten First Amendment rights, The Post also may offer a renewed appreciation for journalism.
“Have I mentioned that we also sponsor an annual Big Tomato Contest?” Lampe added. - 30 -