PEORIA, IL -- I contribute letters and stories to the Community Word, a wonderful monthly newspaper in Peoria. Full disclosure: I am also an investor in the group that owns the paper.
I recently received an anonymous letter from a reader, and I wish to respond to it. Here is the letter:
To: Sherry Cannon and Elaine Hopkins c/o Community Word
Hi Ladies,
I'm writing to you about your articles in the Community Word paper from last month.
You both seem to think Judge Kavanaugh will have impact on the environment, reproduction,medical coverage etc.. ..but, remember he is only one of several judges. You give him powers he does not have. I think his opinions will be without bias and his record as a judge indicates he follows the letter of the law. You seem to have a hatred of this conservative man-calling him an "upper-class frat-rat". Thank goodness for his heritage that allowed him to have an education and attain such credentials. Elaine..those who know you may consider you an "elite"...with your privileged life style as a professor's wife. And, yes, Ms. Cannon...something in Dr. Ford's background made her the person she is today...a woman that went to great lengths to nullify the nomination and destroy the career of a good man. No memory of time, place, people etc.. ..yet you rallied for her.
When her accusation surfaced I wondered who bought her? Well, she ended up with more than a million dollars.
To compare this happening with what the Catholic priests have done...or Cosby is really not comparable. The priests have had hundreds of abused adults testify to their evil deeds. What about Bill and Hillary.. ..which is worse the rapist, Bill, or the cover up by Hillary...I'm sure she was your candidate of choice. If you found Kavanaugh's alleged behavior as a teenager so unacceptable then why did you accept the middle aged behavior of Bill Clinton acceptable? Facts are important to your readers... you do them a disservice when you reel off your opinions that have no basis in factual information.
Regarding the "dominate white male political system".. ..I would be hesitant to want people in office who don't have critical thinking. There are many good people in Congress. Even your own Democratic party., is made up of very old white politicians. It's unfortunate that the Democrat party is not the party of our parents. We are lucky to be living in the United States as we have so many privileges. And, American boys fought for our freedoms in all the wars White and Black soldiers together. Thank God we have not had a Hitler (fascist), Stalin & Mao (communists), Pol Pot (Cambodia communist). Communism and socialism have never worked .. ..again I thank God for capitalism and private enterprise and the individuals right of choice in all areas of life.
Please stop your negative and hateful thoughts and words give your readers words that make them proud to be an American. Give them words that enlighten their day when they read the Community Word.
A Community Word reader.
December, 2018
HUMMM - Where to begin? Kavanaugh obviously lied during the hearings. I believe the women who testified about his awful behavior in his youth. Did he reform himself? Is he leading a secret life, as others have done? Only the future will tell us.
And I don't hate him, but I worry that his right wing views will harm the environment, medical coverage and care, women's rights, especially to a safe, legal abortion, and other civil rights. His past record shows where he stands on these issues.
There are many issues that need to be confronted in our nation, and the old, white guys seem more interested in keeping their jobs and power than improving life for the citizens. Kavanaugh on the court likely will vote his class, and not help the others.
As for my class status, alas it's only middle class. My husband and I were from homes whose parents did not have college degrees, but we were fortunate enough to be able to afford college and graduate degrees. Those helped us find good jobs in Illinois. It's hardly privilege, as we worked hard for what we have, kept healthy and sane, lived a conservative lifestyle. And were very lucky. We could never have afforded an elite east coast prep-school and college. But Kavanaugh could and did.
I agree that we are all very lucky to have been born in the USA. But I see rampant, unleashed capitalism as a concern. It almost brought the US down a couple of times, and could do so again. It needs regulation, something Kavanaugh likely will vote against.
As for an American Hitler, fascism is not dead and could rise again with Trump as its ringleader. Our system of checks and balances seems to be working so far, but we will see.
Respond if you see this.
-- Elaine Hopkins