PEORIA, IL -- On Oct. 30, the newspaper USA Today released an in-depth investigation of junkets to Turkey for members of Congress, paid for by front groups of the Gulen movement, the Turkish group of questionable motives.
That's the group that operated the Peoria charter school Quest, an initiative paid for by taxpayers and Glen Barton, former Caterpillar CEO.
Barton is also the guy behind the horrible plan to ruin Peoria's Riverfront Park with 4-story luxury apartments. His plan has been approved by the Peoria City Council (helped along by campaign contributions to some of those voting 'yes,' see story below), but awaiting state and federal approval.
Now it turns out that former disgraced Congressman Aaron Schock, R-Peoria, was on one of those lawmakers on junkets to Turkey.
Check out the link above -- read down to see the actual documents, and a photo of Schock at a Quest classroom.(Thanks to the blogger who researched this!)
And don't forget the Quest kids were treated to yearly to trips to Turkey -- not London, Paris or Rome -- a situation criticized by District 150 activist Terry Knapp.
The Gulen group contract to operate Quest ended last spring, so the school officials finally came to their senses. Or maybe because Schock left Congress?
Good riddance to both.
-- Elaine Hopkins